Best Way to Get Equipment Loan

We can provide equipment leases and Financing for all makes and models of equipment, across almost every industry, for businesses of almost any size.

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Truck Loan

Canada Equipment Loan specializes in providing Loans and Financing for Trucks. Good Credit – Bad

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Trailer Loan

Trailer loans Canada is Backbone of our Business. We specialize in bad credit score Truck and Traile

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Construction Equipment Loan

Canada Equipment Loan is the Authority figure in Construction equipment loan Canada. Our Low interes

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Heavy Equipment Loan

Some business requires just simple office set up, but some require specialized equipments which can

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What is lease financing?

Lease financing is a very common financing solution for businesses that need to acquire equipment. Repayments are spread over several months and are tax deductible.

How does lease financing work?

Lease financing is very simple, The purchaser chooses the equipment and the vendor, and fills out a one-page credit application form. A follow-up is conducted within 24 hours, and a final decision is issued shortly thereafter.

What are the advantages of lease financing?

There are five main advantages:

  1. A simple and quick financing application and approval process;
  2. Protection of your working capital (monthly rentals are much lower than the total cost of the equipment, and your line of credit remains intact);
  3. Your borrowing capacity from banks is preserved and can be used for financing that only them can provide;
  4. Your monthly rentals are tax deductible;
  5. Sales taxes do not apply when acquiring equipment.

I’m self-employed, an entrepreneur, the owner of a small business or a VSB… Is lease financing right for me?

Yes. Lease financing is a quick, simple commercial financing solution available to self-employed workers and to all companies, especially small businesses and VSBs. Thanks to lease financing, self-employed workers and companies can start to grow and make a profit quickly, while the equipment is paid for as it contributes to making this profit.

Why use lease financing?

Lease financing is a flexible, quick, simple, and efficient financing solution. It is better to preserve your borrowing capacity from banks for solutions that only banks can provide.

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